Mental Health COVID Resources


Our COVID-19 content is under review. The information you read here may or may not be current. We will update this page soon with current information.


Young girl sitting in lotus position meditating

Mind-Body Connection during COVID-19: Physical, Emotional, Relational Health and More (Recording)

Our speakers discuss the effects of stress during the COVID-19 pandemic, how to cope and build resiliency.
Black woman sitting and holding her knees. She has a depressed look on her face.

Psychosocial Impact During the COVID-19 Crisis for People with Asthma and Allergies (Recording & Resources)

Presenters discussed the medical, social and psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and shared helpful interventions for both patients and providers.
Woman about to put her face into a bowl of cold water

COVID-19 Coping Strategies: Distress Reduction Techniques for People with Asthma

Psychologist Dr. Gianine Rosenblum explains how to people with asthma can reduce stress or anxiety quickly by using the “dive response” technique.
White woman holding her chest as if she

COVID-19 Coping Strategies: Why Daily Practice Is So Important for People with Asthma and Allergies

Dr. Gianine Rosenblum explains why scheduling daily relaxation or stress reduction practices can benefit people with asthma and allergies.
White male lifting his face to the air as if taking a deep breath

COVID-19 Coping Strategies: Square Breathing for People with Asthma and Allergies

Dr. Gianine Roseblum describes square breathing to manage anxiety or stress because symptoms of stress can often mimic those of asthma or COVID-19

Tools you can use to regulate your mind body and emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic

 Photo of grandmother and grandson visiting with each other. They are sitting far apart on a park bench and they each are wearing masks. The grandmother has asthma and reduces her stress by safety visiting with her family.


  • Manage information. Limit social media. Choose one or two trusted news sources and only check once daily. Choose print over broadcast and audio over video.
  • Practice compassion. Practice self-kindness, connection and mindfulness. Call, text, email or Facetime – be creative. Do something for others – bake, donate, or perform an act of kindness. Use appropriate touch – a hug, kiss, hold hands, etc. when safe. Address any of your underlying needs.
  • Visualize. Allow input from your logical mind. Remind yourself that the pandemic is temporary. Reinforce your strengths. Practice 5-4-3-2-1 grounding.
  • Reduce boredom. Try something new. Play or exercise – get outdoors when possible. Focus on learning something new.
  • Recognize feelings of loss. Name the losses and their importance. Allow yourself time to process these losses. Access professional support via telehealth, if needed, or support groups via Zoom.
  • Eat healthy and sleep. Eat your fruits and veggies. Stay hydrated. Sleep at least 7 hours per night. Breathe deep, relaxing belly breaths. Try square breathing.

Information from the CDC on Managing Stress & Anxiety ➙

COVID-19 Infographic:

Tools to Regulate Mind, Body, & Emotions during COVID-19

Image of coping tools for emotional well being during Covid-19 poster